Meet Nicholas Wallwork

Property Developer
International For Dummies Author

Work With Me


Tired Of Generic Property Education Thats Failing You?​


Essential reading for all business and property owners.


Learn more about Nicholas's multi-faceted TV career.

Who Is Nicholas Wallwork

Having developed over £100million worth of property to date, the expertise Nicholas brings to The Property Mentors is substantial. He is a well-respected global For Dummies author, Angel Investor on the popular SKY TV show Property Elevator, national event speaker, TV personality, YouTuber and an accredited property mentor.

Nicholas The Mentor

Nicholas’ 1-2-1 Mentorships offer a unique and valuable opportunity for anyone aiming to excel in property development. With over £100 million worth of UK property developed and recognition as an Accredited Mentor by P.E.A.S, Nicholas brings both personal expertise and industry-backed ethics to his mentoring.

If you haven’t reached your financial goals in property investment due to knowledge gaps, uncertainty, or lack of contacts and confidence, Nicholas Wallwork’s tailored 1-2-1 mentorship sessions can set you on the right path.

Nicholas The Author

Nicholas has written several ebooks on real estate investment strategy and mindset techniques for success ranging from passive income right through to Houses of Multiple Occupation (HMOs). Nicholas passionately believes that mindset plays a vital role in how successful you can be in both business and real estate. He has produced a series of ebooks that share his in depth knowledge on these strategies which explore the power of positivity, sleep, the law of attraction and visualisation.

The Nicholas The TV Presenter

Nicholas’s multi-faceted career across both SKY TV and printed media has placed him as an authoritative and well-respected figure in the real estate world. He has featured regularly on Property TV (SKY’s only dedicated property channel) on a variety of shows including Property Panorama, his own TV series ‘Property Forum Chat Show’ and on award-nominated show “Property Deal Shop”. Nicholas also writes a regular column in HMO Magazine.
